Unraveling the mysteries of the brain yields puzzles that are far from solved. While on the surface, brain chemistry seems to be able to explain a lot, it leaves many questions unanswered. From philosophy to psychiatry, the necessity of the force of Love rises to the top. This does not mean just the warm fuzzy notion of affection, but of the persistent and determined exercise of a caring force. 

The Spiritual Element of Neuropsychology

Dr. Carolyn Leaf , a Cognitive Neuroscientist specializing in Neuropsychology unpacks the power that the mind has over the brain and explains the physical ramifications that the spiritual mind can have over the brain and mental health. It really gets good around minute 8.

the human commonality of justice & love  

The Question of Morality

Our moral code is the subject of much debate. Ravi Zacharias, renowned Christian apologist, addresses the question of subjective moral reasoning. 

During the open forum at the University of Pennsylvania Ravi Zacharias and Nabeel Qureshi were asked: "Why are you so afraid of subjective moral reasoning? Do you think we all are just going to start raping and pillaging just because we don't have a book telling us what to do?

The Power of the Unseen Over the tangible world

The electrical signal races down the axon, gaining speed as it's protected by the myelin sheeth. It has one sole purpose in mind, delivering a message which will unleash the chosen neurotransmitter for this mission. The neuron in charge of this task, one of 1011 neurons in the brain, works in a perfect orchestration of events, and together, they finally succeed in grabbing the bag, twisting the hands, applying force, pulling the bag open, reaching in, grabbing that Dorito, and successfully delivering nacho goodness into the mouth. Chew. Swallow. This has been a good moment.

We share common brain physiology.

But our identities are completely different. What you tell your brain, and what I tell my brain to do, are completely different things, because you are you and I am not. Neuropsychology has investigated how our brain works, and over the last twenty odd years has been uncovering the fact that while we may share similar structures, electrical pulses, and the chemicals that govern our actions and responses; it's our identities, which are unseen and unobserved, that actually govern and change even the physical makeup of the brain.

If we practice basketball, learn the piano, or conversely allow habits of criticism and disgust to take top place in our cognition, our brains change accordingly. Paths are strengthened, new avenues of electrical impulses are built. Your unseen identity not only signals your body to make changes to the world around you, it even has power over the physicality of your own brain. You, from the unseen realm of your identity, can change the world and yourself by telling your body what to do.

The unseen realm exists, and what is more than that, it exerts power over what can be seen.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Do I truly believe that answers to questions of morality are answerable without the existence of a spiritual world? 

Am I curious about the identity of God?